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Wallys DR5018: Dependable WiFi 6 Routerboard for Long-Distance PTP Transmissi...









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發(fā)表于 2024-6-7 13:33:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎(jiǎng)勵(lì) |倒序?yàn)g覽 |閱讀模式
Wallys DR5018: Dependable WiFi 6 Routerboard for Long-Distance PTP Transmission with WPA3 SecurityIn today’s industrial environments, reliable long-distance wireless communication is crucial. Whether it’s for factory automation, smart warehousing, or remote monitoring and control, stable and efficient Point-to-Point (PTP) wireless transmission is essential. Wallys' DR5018 WiFi 6 Routerboard, with WPA3 encryption and exceptional PTP transmission performance, is an ideal solution for industrial long-distance communication. Powered by the robust IPQ5018 processor, the DR5018 ensures strong performance and reliability.
; W8 B2 |. i* O* jDR5018's PTP Transmission PerformanceThe Wallys DR5018 excels in PTP long-distance transmission on both the 5GHz and 6GHz bands. Here are the performance results from various distance tests:: n% G9 a6 l& t7 Y+ T4 S( n$ W
3.3KM PTP **** (DR5018M)
  • 5GHz: 949Mbps
  • 6GHz: 821Mbps
    1 s% ^2 p* D0 i! z: }
1.5KM PTP **** (DR5018M)
  • 5GHz: 1.5Gbps
  • 6GHz: 1Gbps
    8 n" y) S! a  {: ~
These impressive results demonstrate that the DR5018 can maintain high bandwidth and stable connections over long distances, ****** it ideal for a wide range of industrial applications.! [0 A7 o+ x2 P& r; ~& F8 b
IPQ5018 ProcessorThe DR5018 features Qualcomm’s IPQ5018 processor, designed for high performance and efficiency, offering several advantages:
) D7 v$ F0 o, E1 ]4 r, `* Z1. High Processing PowerThe IPQ5018 processor boasts a quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 architecture with a clock speed of up to 1.0GHz, efficiently handling numerous concurrent connections and data transmissions to ensure ***work stability and responsiveness.1 S9 Z% L: @+ G9 Z  }; q$ W
2. Advanced Network AccelerationIntegrated with Qualcomm’s ***work acceleration technology, the IPQ5018 significantly enhances ***work throughput and data processing efficiency, ensuring exceptional performance even under heavy load.
9 ~6 k" U3 m2 t( ~& V- K3. WiFi 6 Standard SupportSupporting the WiFi 6 (802.11ax) standard, the IPQ5018 incorporates advanced technologies such as OFDMA, MU-MIMO, and 1024-QAM modulation, delivering higher speeds, lower latency, and stronger signal coverage.& i2 L( t$ p6 Q( l; e
4. Energy EfficiencyThe IPQ5018 offers outstanding energy efficiency, delivering powerful performance while maintaining low power consumption, ****** it ideal for energy-sensitive industrial environments.8 C/ w5 R; }0 k2 G7 {
Benefits of WiFi 6WiFi 6 (802.11ax) brings several advancements that make the DR5018 perform exceptionally well in industrial settings:( o9 }" Y  ]/ ~+ \% h# v1 B
1. Increased Speed and BandwidthWiFi 6 provides higher data tran**er rates and greater bandwidth, supporting high-throughput industrial applications such as HD video surveillance and big data transmission.
# X* I- `- m7 b1 o2. Reduced LatencyWiFi 6’s low latency ensures timely responses for industrial automation and real-time control applications, enhancing operational efficiency and accuracy.
. ^; _7 H$ v; o$ X: q$ G" Y3. Enhanced Device Density SupportWiFi 6 utilizes OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) technology, allowing multiple devices to transmit data simultaneously, significantly improving ***work efficiency and capacity. This is crucial in device-dense industrial environments.. p) [  g# D" |! x8 \3 j6 z
4. Superior Signal CoverageWiFi 6 delivers stronger signal coverage, ensuring stable ***work connections throughout large factories or warehouse facilities.: y# Q2 m; ]* b% E0 z7 F; T! H
Security with WPA3 EncryptionThe DR5018 supports WPA3 encryption, providing top-tier security for industrial ***works. Compared to WPA2, WPA3 offers several enhancements:
+ k$ o  R2 r" Y0 G4 U# {/ M! F1. Robust Encryption AlgorithmsWPA3 uses more robust encryption algorithms, delivering higher security and ensuring data safety during transmission.
4 v% i+ _1 S) R+ c* Y  @2. Protection Against Man-in-the-Middle AttacksWPA3 enhances authentication mechanisms to effectively prevent Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality in industrial environments.* U2 j4 {5 Q; c% \" a! I
3. Secure Public Network ConnectionsWPA3 includes Individualized Data Encryption, ensuring that each device’s communication is independently encrypted, even on public ***works, enhancing security.
/ Z2 Q7 I  Q1 R. U8 s3 g  a4. Simplified Device ConfigurationWPA3 simplifies device configuration and connection processes, allowing industrial devices to securely and quickly join the ***work, reducing configuration errors.) M7 K' I3 S' x8 ?% \6 D: S
Industrial Applications of DR5018With its powerful PTP transmission capabilities and advanced encryption technologies, the DR5018 Routerboard is suitable for various industrial applications:
- Q) V1 O  U) y! o( ~: H, G1. Factory AutomationIn automated production lines, the DR5018 provides efficient and stable wireless connections, supporting real-time data transmission and device control, boosting production efficiency and accuracy.4 B# I: t; [' [
2. Smart WarehousingIn smart warehousing systems, the DR5018 supports large-scale device concurrent connections and data transmissions, ensuring efficient and precise warehouse operations.- v! q3 X6 [( d; D
3. Industrial SurveillanceIn industrial surveillance systems, the DR5018 offers low-latency and highly reliable wireless connections, supporting HD video transmission and real-time monitoring, ensuring production safety.: H5 X8 q7 t0 j, \
4. Remote Operation and ControlFor applications requiring remote operation and control, the DR5018 provides stable long-distance wireless connections, ensuring operational accuracy and real-time response.8 L, ?1 D" |1 c* H- y1 t- {; M
ConclusionWallys' DR5018 WiFi 6 Routerboard, with WPA3 encryption, the powerful IPQ5018 processor, and excellent PTP transmission performance, provides comprehensive protection and reliability for industrial ***works. Its outstanding performance and security features meet the needs of various industrial applications, ensuring safe data transmission and stable ***work connections.
2 A+ D( {/ B! h) c: ]& u, Y" {Choosing Wallys DR5018 means selecting a wireless ***work solution that delivers optimal performance and top-tier security for industrial environments. Whether it’s data transmission, device connectivity, real-time monitoring, or control, the DR5018 meets your needs and becomes a reliable partner in building your industrial ***work.7 z" _9 x" d0 S& G0 e
For more information, please contact us at [url=]sales1@wallystech.com[/url].
/ B5 L% ]1 B! N! C" O7 a& q, b* i0 j9 d7 F+ U








Rank: 2

發(fā)表于 2024-6-11 09:19:30 | 只看該作者


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